Q. Explain about RSET and ASET in fire safety

RSET (Required Safe Escape Time) and ASET (Available Safe Escape Time) are terms used in fire safety engineering to evaluate the time available for occupants of a building to safely escape in the event of a fire.

RSET (Required Safe Escape Time):

·       RSET refers to the time needed for occupants to escape from a building to a place of safety once a fire has been detected or occurs.

·       It is determined based on factors such as the building's design, occupancy type, fire protection systems, occupant demographics, and the characteristics of the fire itself.

·       RSET considers the time required for occupants to recognize the fire, decide on a course of action, move to an exit, and safely evacuate the building.

·       The goal is to ensure that the RSET is less than or equal to the ASET to ensure that occupants have sufficient time to evacuate safely.

ASET (Available Safe Escape Time):

·       ASET represents the time available for occupants to escape from a building before conditions become untenable or dangerous due to fire or smoke.

·       It is calculated based on factors such as the rate of fire growth, the effectiveness of fire protection systems (e.g., smoke detection, sprinklers), and the time it takes for smoke or heat to affect escape routes.

·       ASET accounts for the time from the initiation of the fire until conditions in the building become hazardous to the point where occupants can no longer evacuate safely.

·       Fire safety engineers use various modeling techniques and simulations to estimate ASET accurately.

In fire safety engineering, the objective is to ensure that the ASET exceeds the RSET. This means that occupants should have enough time to safely evacuate the building before conditions become life-threatening. If the RSET exceeds the ASET, it indicates a potential risk, and measures such as improving fire detection systems, installing additional exits, or enhancing fire suppression systems may be necessary to mitigate the risk and ensure occupant safety.


Q. What do you understand by fire egress model?

A fire egress model is a computational or analytical tool used in fire safety engineering to simulate and analyze the movement and evacuation of occupants during a fire emergency. These models provide valuable insights into how people behave and evacuate in different fire scenarios, helping designers and engineers optimize building designs and fire safety strategies.


Key aspects and functionalities of fire egress models include:

Occupant Behavior Simulation: Fire egress models simulate how occupants react and move during a fire emergency. This includes factors such as decision-making, movement speed, route selection, and interactions with fire protection features like exits and evacuation signage.


Spatial Representation: These models typically incorporate the layout and features of the building, including walls, doors, stairs, corridors, exits, and obstacles. They may utilize floor plans or three-dimensional representations to accurately simulate the building environment.


Fire Dynamics: Fire egress models often integrate fire dynamics simulations to model the growth and spread of fire within the building. This allows for the assessment of how fire conditions evolve over time and their impact on occupant evacuation.


Safety Analysis: Fire egress models are used to assess the safety of building designs and evacuation strategies. They can predict metrics such as evacuation times, congestion levels, exit usage, and potential bottlenecks, helping designers identify and address potential risks.


Scenario Analysis: Engineers can use fire egress models to evaluate various fire scenarios, including different fire locations, sizes, and durations, as well as the effectiveness of fire protection measures such as sprinklers, smoke detectors, and evacuation protocols.


Regulatory Compliance: Fire egress models are often employed to demonstrate compliance with building codes and regulations related to fire safety and emergency evacuation. They can help verify that a building's design meets requirements for minimum egress capacity and safe evacuation times.


Overall, fire egress models play a crucial role in enhancing the safety and efficiency of building designs by providing insights into occupant behavior during fire emergencies and helping stakeholders make informed decisions to mitigate risks and improve evacuation procedures.


Q. Describe various approaches to the fire modeling.

Fire modeling encompasses various approaches to simulate and analyze the behavior of fires in different scenarios. These approaches range from simple empirical models to complex computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. Here are some of the key approaches to fire modeling:

Empirical Models:

·       Empirical models are based on empirical data and observations from real fire experiments and incidents.

·       These models often use simplified mathematical equations or correlations to predict fire behavior, such as fire growth rate, heat release rate, and smoke production.

·       Empirical models are relatively simple and computationally efficient, making them suitable for quick assessments and preliminary analyses.

Zone Models:

·       Zone models divide the building into interconnected zones or compartments and simulate fire dynamics within each zone.

·       These models typically use mass and energy balance equations to calculate temperature, pressure, and species concentrations within the compartments.

·       Zone models assume well-mixed conditions within each zone and may incorporate empirical correlations for fire growth, smoke production, and heat transfer.

Field Models:

·       Field models, also known as Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) fire models, simulate fire dynamics using the principles of fluid mechanics and heat transfer.

·       CFD models discretize the building geometry into a grid of cells and solve the Navier-Stokes equations to simulate airflow, combustion, and heat transfer.

·       These models provide detailed predictions of fire behavior, including temperature distribution, smoke movement, and airflow patterns.

·       CFD models require significant computational resources and expertise but offer high-fidelity simulations suitable for detailed engineering analyses and design optimization.

Network Models:


·       Network models represent the building as a network of interconnected nodes and links, where nodes represent compartments or elements of the building (e.g., rooms, corridors), and links represent pathways for heat and smoke movement.

·       These models simulate fire dynamics and smoke movement using simplified flow equations and pressure calculations.

·       Network models are less computationally intensive than CFD models but provide more detail than empirical or zone models, making them suitable for intermediate-level analyses.

Coupled Fire-Structure Models:


·       Coupled fire-structure models integrate fire dynamics simulations with structural analysis to assess the impact of fires on the structural integrity of buildings.

·       These models simulate the interaction between fire-induced thermal loads and structural response, allowing engineers to evaluate the performance of building materials, components, and systems under fire conditions.

·       Coupled fire-structure models are used to design fire-resistant structures, assess fire-induced damage, and optimize fire protection measures.

Each approach to fire modeling has its advantages and limitations, and the choice of model depends on factors such as the complexity of the problem, available resources, and the level of detail required for the analysis. Combining multiple modeling approaches or using hybrid models can provide more comprehensive insights into fire behavior and improve the accuracy of predictions.


 Q. What do you understand by open and compartment fire behaviour?

Open fire behavior and compartment fire behavior refer to two different types of fire dynamics, each occurring in distinct environments and exhibiting unique characteristics:

Open Fire Behavior:

·       Open fire behavior refers to fires that occur in open spaces, such as forests, grasslands, or outdoor areas.

·       These fires are typically exposed to ambient air and are not confined within a structure or enclosure.

·       Open fires are influenced by factors such as wind speed and direction, fuel type and moisture content, topography, and weather conditions.

·       They can spread rapidly, driven by the availability of fuel and the intensity of the fire, and can exhibit characteristics such as spotting (embers carried by the wind), fire whirls, and fire fronts.

·       Controlling and extinguishing open fires often requires specialized firefighting techniques and resources, such as water drops from aircraft, firebreaks, and controlled burns.

Compartment Fire Behavior:

·       Compartment fire behavior refers to fires that occur within enclosed spaces, such as buildings, rooms, or compartments.

·       These fires are confined within a structure, limiting the availability of oxygen and influencing fire dynamics.

·       Compartment fires are influenced by factors such as fuel type, ventilation conditions, geometry of the enclosure, and presence of combustible materials.

·       They can exhibit characteristics such as rapid fire growth, flashover (sudden ignition of all combustible surfaces), and smoke production.

·       Compartment fires pose significant risks to occupants and property due to the potential for rapid fire spread, heat release, and smoke inhalation.

·       Firefighters employ tactics such as ventilation control, fire suppression, and search and rescue operations to mitigate the effects of compartment fires and protect occupants.

In summary, open fire behavior occurs in outdoor environments and is influenced by natural factors such as wind and fuel availability, while compartment fire behavior occurs within enclosed spaces and is influenced by factors such as ventilation and building design. Understanding the differences between these two types of fire behavior is crucial for effective firefighting and fire safety planning in both wildland and urban environments.


Q.Describe different theories of human behaviour in fire.

Understanding human behavior in fire emergencies is crucial for developing effective fire safety strategies and designing buildings that facilitate safe evacuation. Several theories and models have been proposed to explain how people respond and behave during fire emergencies. Here are some of the key theories:

Evacuation Decision-Making Theory:

·       This theory focuses on the decision-making process that individuals undergo when deciding whether to evacuate during a fire emergency.

·       It considers factors such as perception of the fire, assessment of personal risk, information availability, social influence, and previous experience with fire emergencies.

·       Decision-making theories emphasize that individuals weigh various factors before deciding to evacuate, and their decisions may be influenced by cognitive biases, emotions, and situational factors.

Social Influence Theory:

·       Social influence theories highlight the role of social interactions and group dynamics in shaping evacuation behavior during fire emergencies.

·       These theories suggest that individuals may conform to group norms, follow the actions of others, or seek social cues from authorities or peers when deciding to evacuate.

·       Social influence theories emphasize the importance of communication, leadership, and coordination in facilitating safe evacuation and minimizing panic or stampede behavior.

Cognitive Mapping Theory:

·       Cognitive mapping theories propose that individuals develop mental representations or cognitive maps of their environment, including evacuation routes and exit locations.

·       These theories suggest that people rely on these cognitive maps during fire emergencies to navigate to safety.

·       Cognitive mapping theories emphasize the importance of clear signage, wayfinding aids, and familiarity with the environment in facilitating effective evacuation.

Response Threshold Theory:

·       Response threshold theories posit that individuals have different thresholds for perceiving and responding to fire emergencies.

·       These thresholds may be influenced by factors such as prior training, experience, personality traits, and situational awareness.

·       Response threshold theories suggest that individuals with lower thresholds are more likely to recognize and respond to fire emergencies promptly, while those with higher thresholds may require more explicit cues or information before taking action.

Pre-evacuation Behavior Theory:

·       Pre-evacuation behavior theories focus on the actions and preparations individuals undertake before initiating evacuation during a fire emergency.

·       These theories consider behaviors such as gathering personal belongings, seeking information, helping others, and assessing the situation before deciding to evacuate.

·       Pre-evacuation behavior theories emphasize the importance of preparedness, training, and communication in facilitating effective responses to fire emergencies.

Phenomenological Theory:

·       Phenomenological theories explore the subjective experiences and perceptions of individuals during fire emergencies.

·       These theories consider factors such as fear, panic, stress, and sensory perceptions (e.g., sight, sound, smell) in shaping evacuation behavior.

·       Phenomenological theories highlight the subjective nature of human responses to fire emergencies and emphasize the importance of addressing emotional and psychological factors in fire safety planning.

By considering these theories and models, fire safety professionals can better understand the complex interplay of psychological, social, and environmental factors that influence human behavior during fire emergencies. This understanding can inform the development of effective evacuation plans, building designs, and fire safety education programs aimed at minimizing risks and promoting safe evacuation.


Q. What are the basic assumptions behind evacuation model?

Evacuation models are used to simulate and analyze the movement and behavior of occupants during emergency evacuations, such as in the event of a fire. These models are based on several basic assumptions that guide their design and implementation. Here are some of the fundamental assumptions behind evacuation models:

Homogeneous Population:

·       Evacuation models often assume that the population within a building or space is homogeneous in terms of demographics, mobility, behavior, and decision-making processes.

·       This assumption simplifies the modeling process but may not fully capture the diversity of occupant characteristics and responses in real-world scenarios.

Evacuation Intentions:

·       Evacuation models assume that occupants have the intention to evacuate when faced with an emergency situation such as a fire.

·       These models typically simulate the decision-making process of occupants based on factors such as perceived threat, awareness of the emergency, and assessment of evacuation routes.

Predefined Exit Routes:

·       Evacuation models assume the existence of predefined exit routes or evacuation paths within the building or space.

·       These routes may include stairwells, corridors, exits, and other designated pathways that occupants can use to evacuate to safety.

·       The availability, capacity, and accessibility of these routes are important factors in determining evacuation effectiveness.

Behavioral Dynamics:

·       Evacuation models incorporate assumptions about human behavior and movement dynamics during emergencies.

·       These assumptions may include factors such as walking speed, queuing behavior, interaction with other occupants, response to alarms or instructions, and delays due to congestion or obstacles.

Communication and Information:

·       Evacuation models often assume that occupants receive timely and accurate information about the emergency situation and evacuation procedures.

·       This may include assumptions about the effectiveness of alarm systems, communication channels, signage, and instructions provided by emergency responders or building staff.

Spatio-temporal Factors:

·       Evacuation models consider the spatial layout of the building or space, including the distribution of rooms, exits, obstacles, and hazards.

·       These models also account for the temporal aspects of evacuation, such as the time of day, duration of the emergency, and availability of resources (e.g., firefighting equipment, emergency personnel).

Response to Incentives and Deterrents:

·       Evacuation models may incorporate assumptions about how occupants respond to incentives (e.g., clear evacuation routes, visible exits) and deterrents (e.g., smoke, heat, obstacles) during evacuation.

·       These factors influence occupant decision-making and behavior during emergencies.

It's important to note that while these assumptions provide a foundation for evacuation modeling, real-world evacuation scenarios can be complex and dynamic, with variability in occupant behavior, environmental conditions, and building characteristics. Evacuation models should be carefully calibrated and validated using empirical data to ensure their accuracy and reliability in predicting evacuation outcomes.


Q.Describe about Principles and Practice of Evacuation Modeling (PPЕМ).

The Principles and Practice of Evacuation Modeling (PPEM) is a comprehensive framework that guides the development, application, and evaluation of evacuation models. PPEM provides a systematic approach to understanding the principles underlying evacuation modeling and applying them in practice to enhance emergency preparedness and safety. The framework encompasses various aspects of evacuation modeling, including model development, validation, calibration, and application in real-world scenarios. Here's an overview of the key principles and practices of PPEM:

Model Development:

·       PPEM emphasizes the importance of developing evacuation models that accurately represent the behavior of occupants during emergency evacuations.

·       Models should consider factors such as occupant demographics, behavior, decision-making processes, spatial layout of the building, evacuation routes, and environmental conditions.

·       Model developers should use appropriate methodologies, data sources, and simulation techniques to ensure the realism and validity of the models.

Validation and Verification:

·       PPEM advocates for rigorous validation and verification of evacuation models to assess their reliability and accuracy in predicting evacuation outcomes.

·       Model validation involves comparing model predictions with observed data from real-world evacuation scenarios or controlled experiments.

·       Verification involves testing the correctness of the model implementation and algorithms to ensure that they accurately represent the intended behavior.

Calibration and Sensitivity Analysis:

·       PPEM recommends calibrating evacuation models to match observed data or known benchmarks, adjusting model parameters to improve the accuracy of predictions.

·       Sensitivity analysis helps identify key model inputs and parameters that have the most significant impact on evacuation outcomes, allowing modelers to focus on refining those aspects.

Scenario Analysis:

·       PPEM encourages the use of evacuation models for scenario analysis to evaluate different emergency scenarios, evacuation strategies, building designs, and mitigation measures.

·       Scenario analysis helps stakeholders identify vulnerabilities, assess the effectiveness of evacuation plans, and optimize emergency response strategies.

Uncertainty and Risk Assessment:

·       PPEM acknowledges the inherent uncertainty in evacuation modeling and advocates for transparent communication of uncertainties and assumptions.

·       Modelers should conduct uncertainty and risk assessments to quantify the uncertainty in model predictions and identify sources of uncertainty that may affect decision-making.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration:

·       PPEM promotes interdisciplinary collaboration between researchers, engineers, emergency planners, policymakers, and other stakeholders involved in evacuation modeling and emergency preparedness.

·       Collaboration facilitates knowledge exchange, data sharing, and integration of expertise from multiple disciplines to address complex challenges in evacuation modeling and emergency management.

By adhering to the principles and practices outlined in PPEM, researchers and practitioners can develop robust and reliable evacuation models that contribute to effective emergency preparedness, safety planning, and decision-making in various contexts, including buildings, transportation systems, and large-scale events.


Q. What is the theory of occupant behaviour during building fire?

The theory of occupant behavior during a building fire encompasses various psychological, social, and environmental factors that influence how individuals perceive, respond to, and evacuate from fire emergencies. Understanding occupant behavior theory is crucial for developing effective fire safety strategies, designing buildings with optimal evacuation routes, and implementing emergency response protocols. Here are key elements of the theory of occupant behavior during building fires:

Perception of Threat:

·       Occupants' perception of the threat posed by a fire plays a significant role in their response. Factors such as the intensity of flames, smoke, heat, and noise contribute to occupants' perception of danger.

·       Occupants' awareness of the fire and their understanding of its severity influence their decision-making process, including whether to evacuate and the urgency of their response.

Decision-Making Process:

·       Occupants undergo a decision-making process during a building fire, weighing various factors before deciding whether and how to evacuate.

·       This process involves assessing the severity of the threat, evaluating available evacuation routes, considering personal safety concerns, and determining the optimal time to evacuate.

·       Decision-making may be influenced by individual factors such as prior experience with fire emergencies, level of training, cognitive biases, and emotional state.

Social Influence and Group Dynamics:

·       Social influence and group dynamics play a significant role in occupant behavior during building fires.

·       Individuals may conform to the actions of others, seek guidance from leaders or authorities, or coordinate with fellow occupants during evacuation.

·       Group behavior can influence evacuation efficiency, with factors such as leadership, communication, and cohesion affecting the overall response.

Cognitive Mapping and Wayfinding:

·       Occupants rely on cognitive maps and spatial awareness to navigate the building and find evacuation routes during a fire.

·       Factors such as familiarity with the building layout, visibility of exits, clarity of signage, and availability of wayfinding aids influence occupants' ability to navigate to safety.

·       Effective wayfinding strategies, clear signage, and well-defined evacuation routes can enhance occupants' ability to evacuate quickly and safely.

Response to Alarms and Warnings:

·       Occupants' response to fire alarms, warnings, and emergency communication systems plays a crucial role in their behavior during building fires.

·       Prompt and clear communication of the emergency situation, along with instructions for evacuation, can facilitate timely and orderly evacuation.

·       Factors such as the reliability of alarm systems, clarity of instructions, and perceived credibility of the source influence occupants' response to alarms and warnings.

Pre-evacuation Behavior:

·       Occupants may engage in pre-evacuation behaviors such as gathering personal belongings, assisting others, seeking information, and preparing to evacuate.

·       These behaviors can affect evacuation efficiency and safety, with factors such as preparedness, training, and situational awareness influencing occupants' actions before initiating evacuation.

Overall, the theory of occupant behavior during building fires highlights the complex interplay of psychological, social, and environmental factors that influence how individuals perceive, decide, and act during fire emergencies. By understanding these factors, fire safety professionals can develop strategies to enhance occupant safety, optimize building designs, and improve emergency response protocols.


Q. Explain free and forced convection.

Free convection and forced convection are two mechanisms by which heat is transferred from a surface to a fluid (liquid or gas) or vice versa. These mechanisms play a significant role in various engineering applications, including heating and cooling systems, thermal management, and environmental processes. Here's an explanation of free and forced convection:

Free Convection:


Free convection, also known as natural convection, occurs when a fluid is heated or cooled, causing density differences within the fluid and inducing fluid motion without any external intervention.

·       When a surface is heated, it transfers thermal energy to the adjacent fluid molecules, causing them to expand and become less dense.

·       The less dense fluid rises due to buoyancy forces, creating upward flow near the heated surface.

·       As the fluid rises, it carries heat away from the surface, while cooler fluid moves in to replace it, creating a continuous circulation pattern known as a convection current.

·       Free convection is influenced by factors such as temperature difference, fluid properties (density, viscosity), gravitational forces, and surface geometry.

Examples of free convection include the rising of warm air above a heated surface, the circulation of water in a pot heated on a stove, and the formation of thermal plumes in natural environments.

Forced Convection:

·       Forced convection occurs when a fluid is forced to move over a surface by an external means, such as a fan, pump, or compressor.

·       In forced convection, the motion of the fluid is driven by an external force rather than buoyancy forces as in free convection.

·       External forces can be applied to increase the velocity of the fluid, enhancing heat transfer between the surface and the fluid.

·       Forced convection is commonly encountered in engineering systems such as HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems, heat exchangers, and cooling towers.

·       Examples of forced convection include airflow from a fan cooling electronic components, water circulation in a radiator driven by a pump, and air circulation in a room facilitated by an air conditioning system.

In summary, free convection relies on natural fluid motion driven by density differences due to heating or cooling, while forced convection involves externally-induced fluid motion to enhance heat transfer. Both mechanisms are important for understanding and designing systems involving heat transfer and thermal management.